GROW grows its grassroots in Greece

GROW grows its grassroots in Greece

A vibrant crowd of farmers, growers, food communities and rural development agencies gathered in Greece last week, for this year’s European Rural Sustainability Gathering.

GROW team members Oliver Moore, Nikos Vrantsis and myself [Pavlos Georgiadis, Ed.] attended this inspiring event which was organised by Forum Synergies. Forum Synergies is an international network bringing together citizens and associations engaged in local sustainable practices throughout Europe. On the ground, support was provided by Greek grassroots initiatives.

Seventy participants from eighteen European countries joined this year’s gathering to discuss issues related to the social economy, farmer cooperatives and bottom up initiatives and networks in Greece’s rural areas.

What was most exciting about this engaging and dynamic event was how civil society at its best was on display, forging solutions in the face of multiple crises.

Even as access to funding and support becomes more and more difficult, we saw how — especially in Greece where the need is great — collective investment, networked ecosystems and commons management are on the rise.

Read the full article by Pavlos Georgiadis via GROW Observatory | Medium blog.

[Photo by rizitis | Flickr]

GROW grows its grassroots in Greece

Good practices and European projects map


Good practices and European projects map

About the author

Medspring Agora team's picture

The Euro-Mediterranean AGORA is a way to engage the civil society in the institutional and policy dialogue on research and innovation with the aim of becoming an integral part of the decision making and governance processes.

The Agora is an important component of the broader MEDSPRING project, supported by the European Union with the aim of strengthening the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation on research and innovation.