An index on food and sustainability: why?
The coexistence of hunger and obesity, the overexploitation of natural resources and food waste: these are the three paradoxes identified by the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition.
We use a multidisciplinary approach to study and analyse the relationship between food and scientific, economic, social and environmental factors. Through research, dissemination and public engagement, our contribution to shift towards more sustainable food systems includes the Nutritional and Environmental Double Pyramid, the Milan Protocol as well as Eating Planet.
Following the COP 21 agreements and the definition of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Food Sustainability Index is just the latest result of the endeavour to turn previously identified paradoxes into pillars of global analysis, in order to study and promote sustainable practices and to rebalance the fundamental links between food, people and the Planet.
[Full article here | Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Foundation]
[Photo by Michael Stern]