Improving National Assessment and Monitoring Capacities for Integrated Environment and Coastal Ecosystem Management

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Improving National Assessment and Monitoring Capacities for Integrated Environment and Coastal Ecosystem Management

Improving National Assessment and Monitoring Capacities for Integrated Environment and Coastal Ecosystem Management

Theme (water, food, energy): 
INCAM is the first Lebanon-led FP7 project, designed to strengthen the capabilities and consolidate the role of the National Council for Scientific Research in Beirut as the leading institution for sustainable development in the Mediterranean region. The project’s main objective was to upgrade CNRS expertise, research and human capacities in important environmental concerns, based on a regional approach that assess the anthropological impacts on natural resources towards transforming the CNRS into a regional center of excellence dealing with soil, water, biodiversity, and coastal zone management monitoring, testing, and research to overcome the environmental threats to Lebanon and the rest of the Mediterranean region. INCAM project succeeded to increase Lebanon’s capacity in important environmental concerns, defined gaps and needs towards setting priorities and strengthening capacities in collaboration with EU-ENP countries. It also enhanced regional cooperation by establishing links with other key research centers in the Mediterranean region (CIHEAM, IRD and agronomic institute of Bari), to improve current policies and promote sustainable regional development.