A greek innovation: gaiasense evolves

A greek innovation: gaiasense evolves

European Commission, Farm Europe and EU agricultural cooperatives’ representatives visited a gaiasense smart farming site at Kiato, Greece.

The gaiasense integrated smart farming system – which is already applied in the cultivation of grapes at the area of Corinth, Greece – was the focus of a meeting between representatives of the European Commission, the Farm Europe think tank and European grape growers.

“The gaiasense system is an excellent application of new technologies in agricultural production and a really good example of what can and should take place all over EU”  

- Pierre Bascou, Director of DG AGRI.

The meeting, apart from Mr. Bascou, was also attended by Yves Madre and Luc Vernet, co-founders of the European think tank Farm Europe, representatives of French wine cooperatives (wine makers, agronomists, vineyard technicians) including Copa Cogeca‘s Wine Working Group President Mr. Thierry Coste, the President and members of NEUROPUBLIC and GAIA Epicherein and members of the agricultural cooperative Pegasus / 7 Grapes, which hosted the meeting.

During the first part of the meeting, NEUROPUBLIC’s President Fotis Chatzipapadopoulos presented the gaiasense integrated smart farming system and the innovative, at European level, way in which it combines technological data with the scientific knowledge of the agricultural advisors and and the practical experience of farmers for producing valid advice aiming at reducing inputs and environmental impact and increasing both the financial benefit of farmers and the quality and quantity of the production.

Read the full artcile via gaiasense.

[Photo by Christos Vassiliou | Flickr]

A greek innovation: gaiasense evolves

Good practices and European projects map


Good practices and European projects map

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The Euro-Mediterranean AGORA is a way to engage the civil society in the institutional and policy dialogue on research and innovation with the aim of becoming an integral part of the decision making and governance processes.

The Agora is an important component of the broader MEDSPRING project, supported by the European Union with the aim of strengthening the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation on research and innovation.