Tunisia adopts a fair trade platform for food products
The launch of a Tunisian platform for fair trade agricultural and food products containing all the organisations operating in this area was announced on 20 October, at the 1st National Conference on Fair Trade Tunisian agricultural and food products, organized at the margins of SIAT 2016, in Tunis.
The idea to launch this platform is the result of a joint work undertaken by the National Union Chamber of Farm Advisors (CSNCA-UTICA), the association Platess -active in the field of social economy and the association Tunisia Coop (consumer cooperative), said Walid Gaddas, president of the UTICA-CSNCA to TAP news agency. "The three organizations worked together for months to develop a project in the field of social economy that would target small producers whose impact would also be felt by consumers," he said.
[Full French article here | Photo by CGIAR Research Program]