Brokerage event: coming soon!
Recherche & Innovation

Brokerage event: coming soon!

MedSpring is organizing a brokerage event that will be held in Cairo on 12-13 February 2014.

The Brokerage Event will be a regional Euro-Mediterranean event where companies, organizations, entrepreneurs and researchers from different EU and Mediterranean countries participate with the aim of networking and finding potential collaborators and partners.

A call for expression of interest to present “ideas” will be launched in the coming days with detailed terms of reference and criteria for the submission of proposals for ideas.

About 10 participants –“idea carriers”– will be selected and invited to present their ideas to potential investors and discuss further developments with other researchers and stakeholders during the brokerage event.
The selected “idea carriers” will be provided with resources to participate (travel, accommodation, meals) and the necessary logistical support.

Stay tuned for further information!

Coming soon | brokerage event

[Title photo by Marwa Morgan | flickr]

Brokerage event: coming soon!

Good practices and European projects map


Good practices and European projects map

About the author

Medspring Agora team's picture

The Euro-Mediterranean AGORA is a way to engage the civil society in the institutional and policy dialogue on research and innovation with the aim of becoming an integral part of the decision making and governance processes.

The Agora is an important component of the broader MEDSPRING project, supported by the European Union with the aim of strengthening the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation on research and innovation.