climate change

Climate change and the Lebanese economy

Climate change and the Lebanese economy

Interview with Julie Harb - Saint Joseph University (Lebanon), Institut de la Méditerranée and...
State of play on climate in the Mediterranean

State of play on climate in the Mediterranean

2018 UfM Climate Week in Barcelona | 23-25 April 2018. The Mediterranean region is one of the world...

Losing ground in a warmer world

Transformational change is needed to solve crises in the vital global commons resources of fertile...

Climate change adaptation project in Morocco

In Morocco, over 1.7 million people who are largely dependent on agriculture and livestock have...

Nexus to Migration | 3rd MedSpring Digital Workshop

The third Digital Workshop focused on the relationship between resources––food, water and energy––...

February 2: World Wetlands Day

Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction. The World Wetlands Day (WWD) is celebrated every year on 2...

"Without the Nile there is no life"

As construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam continues, Egypt’s farmers brace for further...

Modern agriculture cultivates climate change – we must nurture biodiversity

As a new year dawns, it is hard not to be dazzled by the current pace of technological change in...

The Challenges of Climate Change in the Mediterranean

Taking the environment into account in economic and political decisions, in particular considering...

Early Warning System for Lebanese farmers

The Lebanese Agriculture Research Institute (LARI) has established an Early Warning System (EWS) to...

Moroccan vault protects seeds from climate change and war

Should a doomsday agricultural crisis hit the world’s driest environments, scientists and farmers...

Coping with climate change: what will it take for MENA’s smallholders

In the Middle East and North Africa region, the livelihoods of smallholders and food security are...