food waste

Egypt: green startups meet investors

Egypt: green startups meet investors

Green Entrepreneurs Prove it at Egypreneur Club; Switching to environmentally-sustainable business...
FAO and CIHEAM discuss key report in Paris

FAO and CIHEAM discuss key report in Paris

"Zero waste in the Mediterranean: Natural, food and knowledge resources." Co-produced by the Food...

MediTerra 2016 - Zero Waste in the Mediterranean: Natural Resources, Food, and Knowledge.

New book examines shared challenges facing the region's food systems — and options for responding....

Could this cooler help combat global hunger?

The Evaptainer keeps perishable food fresh for up to two weeks–no electricity required. About 15...

Tunisia: food waste is expensive

Food waste costs each Tunisian an average of 64 dinars per month, or 18% of total food expenditure...

Gleaning movement and food waste in Spain

Europe wastes some 88m tonnes of food each year - around 173 kg per person - with costs estimated...