Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships – Standard European Fellowships at CMCC Medspring Agora team Project: Fellowships and research grants
Advanced course on degraded drylands restoration and on desertification processes monitoring Medspring Agora team Project: Fellowships and research grants
Fully funded 5 PhD studentships in Precision Agriculture Medspring Agora team Project: Fellowships and research grants
Recruiting: Funded PhD in Agricultural Ecology Medspring Agora team Project: Fellowships and research grants
Joint PhD Programme in Integrated Management of Water, Soil and Waste Medspring Agora team Project: Fellowships and research grants
PhD Climate change, drought risk and behavioral modelling Medspring Agora team Project: Fellowships and research grants
Open call for scholarships: IEMed's practical training grants programme for the year 2017 Medspring Agora team Project: Fellowships and research grants
Fellowship for attending workshop on Environmental Mapping: Mobilising Trust in Measurements and Engaging Scientific Citizenry Medspring Agora team Project: Fellowships and research grants
Applications for 2017 Borlaug Global Research Alliance Fellowships Medspring Agora team Project: Fellowships and research grants