Agricultural workers: a seasonal labour force without social protection
Every day at dawn, field workers – women, young girls and even children from different cities in Tunisia, Tebourba, Jedeida, El Batan, Borj El Amri and Mornaguia get up in a hurry not to miss those cars that bring them daily to farm fields.
They collect tomatoes, pears and other agricultural products that are grown in large farms in the area. Their only concern is to meet the growing needs of their families, the expenses of the school year, or other expenses linked to the many celebrations that usually occur during the summer, such as weddings, and circumcision ...
A seasonal labor force that has no social security coverage and is not affiliated with any trade union. Taking advantage of this absence of regulation and representation, employerr and sometimes intermediates are left free to set the rules.
[Full French article here | Photo by WorldFish]