A Bright Future for Renewable Energy in Egypt
With growing demands for energy in Egypt, the government is moving beyond fossil fuels and hydropower, and is promoting renewable energy sources, like solar energy.
Solar power is indeed a promising alternative source of energy for Egypt. The country is part of the Sun Belt, which stretches from western North Africa to eastern Central Asia. It receives between 9 and 11 hours of sunlight per day and cloudy days are rare. This means solar energy is both economically and technically feasible to harvest in the country.
Currently, 90% of Egypt’s energy production depends on fossil fuels, 9% on hydropower, and the remaining 1% on solar and wind. The government is aiming to increase the share of renewables to 20% by 2020.
Read the full article by Farah Hegazi via Muftah.
[Photo by MatHelium | Flickr]