Food quality label opens up new market for Tunisian harissa

Food quality label opens up new market for Tunisian harissa

A scorching-hot chili paste, harissa is one of the most famous culinary products of Tunisia, and is sometimes dubbed as "the national condiment of Tunisia".

It is traditionally drizzled over a host of North African and Middle Eastern cuisines, such as meat or fish stew, couscous, soups, vegetables and salads. The spicy and aromatic paste has long gained fame on international market, especially in Europe. But popularity also attracts imitation. Many foreign merchants tout their hot sources as "harissa" on the international market, in spite of their products only remotely resembling the original one.

But in the recent two years, original Tunisian harissa sold on the international market can be easily distinguished by a special logo which reads "Food Quality Label Tunisia" on the package. With this label, customers can be guaranteed of an authentic Tunisian harrisa recipe, made from fresh, quality ingredients. In addition, this label ensures food safety because behind it, a food traceability system has been set up along the whole supply chain.

Read the full article by Zhong Xingfei via UNIDO web site.

[Photo by Andy / Andrew Fogg | Flickr]

Food quality label opens up new market for Tunisian harissa

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The Euro-Mediterranean AGORA is a way to engage the civil society in the institutional and policy dialogue on research and innovation with the aim of becoming an integral part of the decision making and governance processes.

The Agora is an important component of the broader MEDSPRING project, supported by the European Union with the aim of strengthening the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation on research and innovation.