Sources of innovation in family olive farms: the case of Bejaia province in Algeria

Sources of innovation in family olive farms

The case of Bejaia province in Algeria.

This study - by Billal Maghni and Kamal Oukaci, University of Bejaia -  aims to check for the contribution of knowledge and information to innovation activity in family olive farms in Bejaia province (Algeria), and looks for the most efficient sources and channels of knowledge and information flows. To do this, we have first computed an innovation index for a sample farms, whereupon we have carried out a statistical analysis using linear regression method to find out about the most significant determinants of innovation.

The main result is that direct interactions between farmers and local public agricultural research as well as user/producer interactions along the value chain are of the most contribution to innovation. Nevertheless, it turns out that farmers seem not take advantage of the operational knowledge that spills over from most of other knowledge and information institutions and organisations.

Olive growing in Algeria is characterized by the duality of the farming system, which dates back to the colonial period. A modern system is predominant in western Algeria and is intended for the production of table olives.
In the other hand, traditional olive growing system, mostly devoted to olive oil extraction, prevails in mountain regions, essentially in Kabylia, a northern region of Algeria.
- From the introduction.

Read the full study via New Medit - A Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment

[Photo by Nejma Rondeleux | Flickr

Sources of innovation in family olive farms: the case of Bejaia province in Algeria

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The Euro-Mediterranean AGORA is a way to engage the civil society in the institutional and policy dialogue on research and innovation with the aim of becoming an integral part of the decision making and governance processes.

The Agora is an important component of the broader MEDSPRING project, supported by the European Union with the aim of strengthening the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation on research and innovation.