Sustainable development of solar energy
The promulgation of legislation facilitating investment in renewable sources of energy, together with financial incentives, have been instrumental in encouraging investment to achieve Malta’s 10 per cent benchmark in renewable energy, in accordance with the EU 2020 targets.
The draft National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) highlights that since the introduction of financial subsidies and advantageous feed-in tariffs, installation of solar panels has increased substantially. This has resulted in a yield of 4.4 per cent in energy produced through renewable sources, primary among them solar energy.
This figure is expected to increase in the near future, particularly since the draft NREAP confirmed the impetus on solar energy as Malta’s primary source of renewable energy to reach the 2020 targets. This policy will be aided by the establishment of solar farms, announced by the government in recent months.
Read the full article by Edward Camilleri via Times of Malta.
[Photo by Wulf Willis | Flickr]