The water-energy-food security nexus in the Mediterranean
At heart of the relationship is the interdependence of resources - how demand for one resource can derive demand from another one?
Similarly, how the cost of one resource can determine the efficiency of production of others?
The water-energy-food security nexus is now receiving consensus and attention of both political and technical experts. Indeed, the World Water Day 2014 was mainly on this topic.
Nowadays most of the international organization and agencies are making major efforts to increase the know-how and to assist the developing countries. The CIHEAM- IAM of Bari is leading and addressing this important issue to be developed in most Mediterranean countries and Balkans area. Here attached the abstract of an interesting article on this topic: Hamdy A., Driouech N. and Hmid A. (2014) “The water-energy-food security nexus in the Mediterranean: challenges and opportunities”. The whole article will be soon available.
A workshop on this thematic will be organized in the Third Arab Water Forum, and will be sponsored by Ciheam-Bari Institute and Medspring Project.
Read/download the abstract [.pdf - 760 KB]
[Title photo: Daily Water Issue | blog]