Water Heroes, a water educational game
Lamis Qdemat is a social entrepreneur who founded Water Heroes.
The overall goal of Water Heroes is to solve the current water challenges in Palestine and build a more sustainable society that values water and other environmental resources by using innovative and effective educational means to address and deliver environmental concepts and ideas.
Why Water Heroes?
The current approaches to education in Palestine do not allow achieving national education targets. Kids do not have effective ways to become aware of environmental challenges and learn how to live more sustainably. Water Heroes consulted with many kids and their parents, who all felt that current school curricula are too intensive, but only provide content inputs and do not sufficiently focus on a format that facilitates real learning. Kids complained that they are bored during the classes and they want more interaction and different types of exercises, rather than lectures from teachers and learning from books. When school is over many of them, like to play computer games.
Therefore, Water Heroes developed a prototype for an interactive water education game, which kids can play on the computer or mobile phone. Tests with kids showed that they learn a lot about sustainable behavior and they have a lot of fun doing it. They get engaged in a hands-on learning process, which is attracting much higher attention than traditional printed material. Imagine if kids would come home asking their parents if they can PLEASE play Water Heroes, the waste management game or any other environmental educational game? This is how we can achieve the level of education and awareness needed in Palestine to achieve a more sustainable society. Water Heroes will offer ministries and educational programmes to apply the developed learning techniques to their teaching material and make many other key topics related to sustainability a fun game for our kids.
Read the full description and support the crowdfunding via BuildPalestine.