Join Agora MedSpring Network!
Research & Innovation

Join Agora MedSpring Network!

Join Agora MedSpring Network! Exploring ways to connect people.

Agora  MedSpring has developed a community space – Agora MedSpring Network – where users can access customized content, contact people, and create group discussions. Agora MedSpring Network is dedicated to researchers, civil society’s actors, policy-makers and citizens interested in resource efficiency (particularly water), high quality affordable food, energy, and their nexus with a focus on the Mediterranean region. 

What you can do

Access customized content: whether you are a follower of Agora MedSpring social media channels or a new visitor, by accessing Agora MedSpring Network you will have the experience of accessing refined and customized content selected for you based on your personal interests. A daily selection of the most up-to-date and relevant articles, videos, interviews and many more! 

Contact people: Search for and contact people among those who joined Agora MedSpring Network. You can build or expand your contact network, exchange data, materials, and opinions, or establishing the ground for partnership building and strengthening.
By being dedicated to researchers, civil society’s actors, policy-makers and citizens interested in resource efficiency (particularly Water), high quality affordable food, energy, and their nexus with a focus on the Mediterranean region, you would be able to choose among a great variety of specialisation and background while remaining focused on strengthening scientific and non-scientific cooperation among the Mediterranean countries. 

Create group discussions: create or join group discussions focused on the theme or the project you are most interested in. Group discussions are ideal for collaborative writing (merge content through storify, info-graphics, videos, or long form-articles by multiple authors), collaborative project elaboration, proposal writing, internal peer review and comments.

How to: 

Access: (for registered members) log in and access Agora MedSpring Network through the link “Network” on the top right side menu. 

Register: it’s easy, just fill in the requested field information and remember the most your profile is complete, the better your performance will be.
In the registration process, remember to express your interests or add “new profile interests”. The customized content will be selected for you based on your expression of interests. 

Contact: click the button "People" on the right side of the Dashboard and you will see a list of people who are registered with Agora MedSpring Network. You can contact only those who made their profile public: below their names, you will see the button contact. You can also search for people.

On the left side column of the dashboard, Agora MedSpring Network offers you a selection of articles chosen for you.
On the central column of the dashboard, you can follow the stream of the discussion of the groups you joined. Is it empty? Join or create a new group!
On the right side column of the dashboard you can see all the groups ("All groups"), or create a new group ("Add new group"). To add a post in the group discussion, use the button "Create content" on the left side part of the screen. 

The following infographic provides a visual summary of what the AgoraMedSpring Network is.
We encourage you to share and promote this page among your contacts!

Agora MedSpring Network - What is

Join Agora MedSpring Network!

Good practices and European projects map


Good practices and European projects map

About the author

Medspring Agora team's picture

The Euro-Mediterranean AGORA is a way to engage the civil society in the institutional and policy dialogue on research and innovation with the aim of becoming an integral part of the decision making and governance processes.

The Agora is an important component of the broader MEDSPRING project, supported by the European Union with the aim of strengthening the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation on research and innovation.