Video Archive

No Country Alone

The ClimaSouth project has produced a documentary on climate change in the Mediterranean region. In...

Before it's too late

The MENA-Award, dedicated to the best entry from the Middle East and North Africa region was won by...

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Action

More than a billion farmers and their families around the world are on the front line of climate...

RHU energy conservation project

Rafik Hariri University sent the right message to all of Lebanon concerning energy conservation and...

The role of women for food security in Jordan

Jordanians and Syrians working together in host communities. Since the start of the Syrian crisis,...

The Mediterranean Hotspot

An infographic video about the current conservation actions and knowledge on the conservation...

Water for life

Water for Life: using social media to fundraise a drinking-water project in Egypt, an interesting...

Biodôme du Maroc

Her name is Fatima Zahra Beraich: she's a Moroccan state engineer in chemical industrial process....

How EU Research & Innovation works for a better world

Today 1 billion people face malnutrition. 1.3 billion more mouths to feed in Africa by 2050 and 50...

Clandestinos Solares

Why in one of the sunniest countries in Europe, the autoproduction of energy through solar panels...