
Forum on Agriculture, Rural Development and Migration in the Mediterranean

Forum on Agriculture, Rural Development and Migration in the Mediterranean

A better understanding of the drivers and impacts for forward-looking policies and programmes....
Climate change and human migrations, understanding the geopolitical nexus in the Euro-Mediterranean

Climate change and human migrations, the geopolitical nexus in the Euro-Mediterranean

In a time when the nexus food-migration is at the center of public debate, MacroGeo, Barilla Center...

Migration, development and climate change in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia

The impact of future climate change on migration trends, and thus on social and economic...

Agriculture and youth migration in drylands

In general, migration tends to reduce overall resilience in rural dryland areas. Agriculture and...

Regenerative Agriculture: The Key to Solving Desertification and Migration Crises

The “CARI Association” (Centre d’Action et de Realisation Internationales) is an NGO based near...